About Us

Off the beaten track expedition holidays into the wild with small groups and low impact

Our expeditions combine the thrill of exploration and adventure with a deep sense of environmental awareness

What makes a Wild Globe Expedition?

Challenge and adventure

Learning wilderness skills and knowledge

Connect with wild nature; connect with your wild self

The Wild
Globe Way

We have strict guidelines to minimise the impact that we have on the wild spaces we visit and the communities that live near them.

Responsible use of natural resources

Small groups to minimise physical impact

Respect for local wildlife

Support local communities

Leave no trace practices

About Us - Jade Bielski

Jade Bielski

Expedition Leader & Company Director

From an early age Jade has had a deep fascination for wildlife and the natural world. First setting off on her travels at the age of 19 to Tanzania, her adventurous soul has taken her to more countries than she’s had years on this planet. Her passion for wildlife led to studies in tropical ecology and conservation biology.

Jade has been leading groups all over the world since 2009, taking people on hiking, biking and “jungle-ing” adventures in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. For the past 15 years she has instructed on an expedition leader training programme in the jungles of Central America. Here she has been able to share her enthusiasm for tropical bushcraft and the personal growth that can be gained from time in the wild.

Home for Jade is in the heart of Wales, where she loves to go bikepacking, try her hand at creative projects and keep broadening her curious mind by learning new things.

Gaz Lloyd

Expedition Leader & Company Director

After studying Earth sciences and spending almost a decade working in the fitness industry it was a belated gap year to Australia that became the catalyst for Gaz to seek a more adventurous path. Feeling more at home in the jungle than in most urban settings he has turned a life-long passion for travel, survival and adventure into a career and has been sharing it with groups since 2018.

Whether it be exploring to find hidden waterfalls, or mentoring someone in friction fire, his reassuring quiet confidence and sense of humour help to nurture people out of their comfort zones. He thrives on a physical challenge and has a strong affinity for the tropics, so the combination of the two is his ultimate recipe for adventure with dreams of someday undertaking a world-first jungle expedition.

He spends his free time in the rolling hills of Mid Wales where he enjoys local adventures, rustling up campfire feasts, maintaining his fitness, writing books and other creative pursuits.

Gaz Lloyd
Mynor Kasho

Mynor Kasho

Local Guide - Costa Rica

Born and raised in the quiet Bribri village of Yorkin, nestled amidst the dense jungle, Mynor’s roots run deep within the lush greenery of his surroundings. From a young age he found himself captivated by the wonders of the wilderness that served as his back garden, fostering a deep-seated passion for the natural world.

His infectious laughter and keen eye for spotting even the most elusive wildlife combined with his enthusiasm for showing his home to visitors make him a delightful guide. And you can always be sure that he’ll be carrying his body weight in fresh cacao to share around the fire.

Keysh Mayorga

Local Guide - Costa Rica

Dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of the Bribri culture and safeguarding the precious rainforest ecosystem, Keysh is a truly inspiring and visionary individual to share your time with. His natural expertise and wisdom regarding the jungle is conveyed effortlessly.

A masterful storyteller, Keysh will captivate your imagination as you unwind with a hot chocolate in the evening, listening to enchanting tales of Bribri folklore or his thrilling adventures in the depths of the jungle. In his company you’ll not only gain insight into the Bribri way of life in the rainforest but also be inspired to join his noble mission of conservation and cultural preservation.

Keysh Mayorga

Meet Some Happy Travellers

I had an incredible experience during my multi-day rainforest trek in Costa Rica. It was truly one of the most beautiful adventures of my life. However, it's important for everyone to understand that the rainforest is a challenging environment. Anyone considering this tour should come prepared with a strong mindset and be ready for the demands of the journey. Overall, highly recommend for nature enthusiasts seeking a memorable and rewarding experience!
Oliver Hitz

Oliver Hitz

I had a bespoke jungle tour with Jade and Gaz (Wild Globe Expeditions) - hiking into the tropical lowland rainforest near Puerto Viejo (Costa Rica), and camping overnight (in a hammock). What an absolutely amazing experience! Truly special to experience the jungle so closely. A challenge for sure, but one I'd love to repeat. The trekking obstacle course, washing in the jungle jacuzzi, learning how to use a machete, drinking local hot chocolate whilst moon gazing, the incredible (and loud!) sounds of the jungle at night! Waking up in a hammock surrounded by lush green forest - absolutely stunning! Thank you so much Jade and Gaz, for sharing your jungle knowledge, and your passion for the forest and wildlife with me. An unforgettable adventure ❤️
Annie Allen

Annie Allen

I spent several weeks with Jade and Gaz in Costa Rica for hiking and survival training. They were always organized and well prepared for every imaginable situation. I always felt safe no matter how deep we were in the jungle. The trip itself was one of the best hikes of my life. There were so many special moments and places like swimming through a huge gorge or living together with the Bribri tribe, crossing deep and fast jungle rivers and eating wild tropical fruits served on a banana leaf. They brought us to very wild and remote places and shared their knowledge about about this sensitive environment and their experiences in every possible moment. I‘ve learned so many things from them and I‘m really grateful for this experience! I can highly recommend a trip with Jade and Gaz! If you want to experience the wilderness these guys lead you in a safe an sustainable manner to the really wild and beautiful places!
Dominik Knausenberger

Dominik Knausenberger

I have completed multiple Expeditions and Treks in Costa Rican jungles led by both Jade and Gaz. They were both utterly professional throughout. I found them to be knowledgeable and fully conversant with the extreme environments we visited. They were supportive and empathetic in challenging situations, thereby enhancing the adventure experience whilst ensuring it was safe. They are both competent leaders and good communicators. During my time with them we spent a good deal of time within the Bri Bri community in Yorkin. It provided a real life insight into the daily lives of the indigenous communities of Costa Rica and as such, I can only describe this as an amazing and life enhancing experience. Jade and Gaz are extremely good at what they do and i have no hesitation in recommending them. Absolutely worthy of 5 stars.
Mike Jones

Mike Jones

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been lead by Jade and Gaz through the Costa Rican jungle. I was able to challenged myself, learn and achieve things that I hadn’t even conceived of. Spending time with the bri bri tribe is an experience that will stay with me forever and has impacted my life immensely. My life has changed for the better so much since trekking and camping in Costa Rica - I encourage anyone to take on the adventure that the jungle has to offer.
Freddie Kanisius Pocock

Freddie Kanisius Pocock

First of all, the trip was a complete success and an incredibly awesome experience, but you should be aware that you have to be prepared to leave your comfort zone because it was physically and mentally very hard but you will also be rewarded by the beautiful impressions of nature where we also did some nice exercises with the ranges to get a little closer to nature. Plus the way of life of the locals it was very heartwarming and nice to have taken something like that with us
