Not at all! We will teach you everything you need to know and be on hand for anything you need help with pre-departure and throughout the trip.
Are you over 18 years old? Do you have an adventurous spirit and positive attitude? Do you feel excited about experiencing genuine wilderness? If yes, then you belong on a Wild Globe Expedition! We welcome a broad spectrum of individuals on our expeditions, indeed in our experience, the best teams have plenty of diversity. We would love to share the wilderness with anyone who is curious about it, no matter who you are or how you identify. We welcome solo travellers and people travelling with friends and family. Please also take a look at the trip specific notes about fitness and levels of challenge to ensure you can get the most out of the expedition and to understand any preparation you might need to do.
Absolutely. The blend of adventure, a spectacular environment, no phones, and evenings around a campfire creates the perfect setting for forging meaningful connections with new and interesting people. Rooming in hotels is usually twin shared, if you would prefer not to share please select the single supplement when booking.

We are easily able to cater for vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and dairy free. Let us know your requirements before the trip so we can plan accordingly. If you need something other than that please get in touch before booking so we can chat about what you require.

One of the most common concerns people have is about bugs in the jungle. We blame reality TV for giving such a bad impression! The truth is that yes there are “bugs” – spiders, scorpions, caterpillars, ants and many more are all living in the jungle. However, they are not going to be leaping out of trees or climbing all over you. As with all animals in the jungle they are just going about their day and aren’t too interested in us. Whenever we have a wildlife encounter we will take the opportunity to teach you about what makes it fascinating, the role it plays within the complex rainforest ecosystem, and maybe you will go home with a new appreciation for these tiny creatures. Mosquitoes – sorry, they can be quite interested in us! However, with the correct clothing and use of mosquito repellent they are little more than a mild irritation.
Embarking on a wilderness adventure inherently comes with certain risks and you can find more information about this on the page for each trip. You will be accompanied by our trained and experienced expedition leaders and local guides to manage and minimise potential hazards. They will help you on the spot if it’s a minor issue and, for anything more serious, will arrange your evacuation to the nearest medical facility. The remote wilderness locations of our trips mean that transfer time to the nearest hospital will likely be greater than you are used to at home. When you book with us you are informed of the possible risks of your expedition, so that you can make a decision about whether this is the right trip for you. Your safety and wellbeing are our top priorities, and we will do everything possible to ensure you are well cared for
Yes, travel insurance is a requirement on all of our expeditions. You will need insurance that includes cover for overseas medical treatment, evacuation or repatriation, baggage, and all included activities. It is advisable that your policy also covers personal liability and cancellation plus cover in the event of you not being able to join the trip due to illness or injury, curtailment, loss of luggage, or for any other reason. Please note: Wild Globe Expeditions is not able to advise on matters relating to individual travel insurance policies and does not accept any liability for policy matters or claims.
A few months in advance of your trip you should consult with your doctor or a travel clinic. We are unable to give specific vaccination advice. Requirements will vary according to the destination and the immunisations you have had in the past. You may also be able to get guidance from the NHS ‘fit for travel’ site.
Please research the specific requirements for visas as this will vary depending on which passport you hold. It is essential to check that your passport has at least 6 months left before it expires, or you will be refused entry to most destinations.
Our expeditions are conducted in English. If you don’t speak English well, we recommend bringing a friend who can help you with translation. Our leaders and guides will speak clearly and always try to explain everything in a way you can understand.

The aim of all of our trips is to take people to genuine wilderness and foster an appreciation for these wild spaces. As such, it is vital that we are doing no harm to these wild spaces and the communities that live near them. To ensure this, we have the following practices:

  • We have strict guidelines on the use of natural resources. We teach sustainable harvesting of natural resources that are needed specific to each plant type and in line with the indigenous practices of the area.
  • We do not engage in any hunting or animal trapping and carry in the food that we need. 
  • We follow a leave no trace policy, ensuring to renature camp areas before departing and taking out everything we take in.
  • Group sizes are capped at small numbers to reduce footfall and soil erosion.
  • Camps are rotated to minimise impact on certain areas.
  • No single use plastic water bottles will be issued on the trip. All participants are to bring their own reusable bottles.
  • We employ local guides during the trip and pay an agreed fair rate.
  • We make use of locally owned transport and accommodation options, and where possible include tours and activities that support local conservation or community efforts. 


We love to have groups that can all sit comfortably around a campfire together and in our experience a group of 10 is perfect for this. This small, intimate group size enables a supportive environment where everyone gets the attention they need as new skills are being learnt. Small groups are also an important factor in our efforts to minimise the environmental impact on the ground.
Flights and personal travel insurance are not included in the price. Please see the section on inclusions in your trip for more details on what is and is not included.
Our expeditions are open to participants over the age of 18.
You can request a single room when you book. Please note, that this is subject to availability.
You will need to fill out a medical form and send it to us before your expedition. If you are concerned about your suitability for the expedition due to a health issue please speak to your doctor. You can get in touch with us if you need more information to help you with this. If there is a chance you may be pregnant, please get in touch with us before booking.

Once you’ve decided on your adventure and dates, click the Book Here button on the relevant trip page. This will lead you through to our booking system where you can enter your details and pay your non-refundable deposit to secure your place.

The remaining payment must be made 90 days before departure. Please note that if you are booking within 90 days before the trip departure date, full payment is required at the time of booking.

Please refer to our T&Cs for full details.

If you have a group of friends or family who would like a private trip together please get in touch to discuss a bespoke trip. We would love to plan the adventure of your dreams! For corporate groups, please contact us to discuss your expedition and the outcomes you are looking for. Visit our private trips page to get some inspiration – this could be anything from a team adventure challenge, to a trek or wilderness and community experience.

Your deposit is non-refundable. Please view our full terms and conditions here.

We understand that you may be keen to get your flights booked and travel plans sorted but we suggest you book flexible options which allow you to make changes easily. This will help you in the event that we do not get the minimum group size to allow your expedition to run.